
Author: Patrick Hof
License: CC0 1.0 Universal License

Download: git clone
YARD docs:

http2code is simple templating system for translating a raw HTTP GET or POST request into source code for replaying that request. It basically reads the request from stdin and returns the parsed request as JSON data. It optionally gives you the possibility to automatically add this data to a predefined template, which will then be output to stdout. See the existing templates for further information.

Command Line Usage

Usage: http2code [options]
    -n, --newlines                   Use \n as line delimiter when parsing the POST request instead of \r\n
    -t, --template TEMPLATE          Use template TEMPLATE
    -b, --header-blacklist           Use header blacklist to automatically remove common headers not needed
    -p, --no-pretty-printing         Do not pretty print JSON data (may be required for some templates)
    -h, --help                       Show this help

Available Templates:

If no template is given, only the JSON data of the parsed HTTP request will be output.


With an HTTP GET or POST request saved in req.txt:

http2code -n -t ruby/typhoeus < req.txt


A gemspec file is included, so you can build and install http2code as a gem with:

gem build http2code.gemspec
gem install http2code-x.x.x.gem